Intensive care research at Murdoch

Our research group is focused on improving aspects of treatments provided to intensive care patients. It is important that patients are receiving the best possible care when they are at their most vulnerable. This research team is a member of the Australian and New Zealand ICU Clinical Trials Group.
  • Traditionally, medical research is focused on different treatment options for specific conditions and less on what type of supportive care is the best for our patients.
  • Many treatment options for diseases are well examined in the general population but intensive care patients are sicker and more vulnerable. Small differences in their care can make large differences in their outcome.
  • Public awareness of the role of intensive care is small.
  • Participating in national and international clinical studies assessing best management of critically ill patients.
  • Contributing in national and international observational studies including the Australian and New Zealand Adult Intensive Care research database.

PLUS Study: Plasmalyte vs Normal Saline for fluid resuscitation in critically ill patients
To determine whether critically ill patients with low blood volume who receive fluid resuscitation with Plasma-Lyte 148 compared to Normal Saline will have an improved chance of survival at 90 days. Enrolment has been suspended due to issues around consenting for incapacitated patients to participate in research.

CHESTY: Chest infection prevalence following surgery. International multicentre observational trial
To determine the incidence of post-operative pulmonary complications following major abdominal surgery.Study is ongoing.

SIQ: Multicentre survey of sources of health information used by surrogate decision makers of patients admitted to the ICU
To describe the sources of health information and associated trust, reported by ICU patient’s Person Responsible. Observation is complete and data are being analysed.

WEAN SAFE: Worldwide assessment of separation ofpatients from ventilator assistance
To describe current procedures for weaning patients from invasive mechanical ventilation. Observation is complete and data are being analysed.

WELCOME-ICU: Online survey / questionnaire
To investigate current ICU visitor visiting practices and understand the barriers, risks and benefits of implementing open visiting policies according to the staff working in this area. Observation is ongoing.

DIANA Study: Determinants of Antimicrobial Use and de-escalation in critical care Prospective, observational multicentre, international cohort study
To describe antibiotic therapy, de-escalation, mortality, ICU and hospital length of stay, infection relapse and subsequent infection rate in ICU patients. Observation is complete and data are being analysed.

INTUBE STUDY International Observational study
To understand the impact and best practices of airway management in critically ill patients. Observation is complete and data are being analysed.

Associate Professor Adrian Regli – Consultant Intensivist
Associate Professor Bart de Keulenaer – Consultant Intensivist
Annamaria Palermo – Research Nurse
Susan Pellicano – Research Nurse
Ege Eroglu – Research Assistant
Smita Dev-Chatteriee – Pharmacist
Dr Ross O’Grady – Medical Officer

ANZICS Clinical Trials Group. (2018) Energy-dense versus routine enteral nutrition in in the critically ill. New England Journal of Medicine. 379, 1823-1834. DOI: 101056/NEJMjoal1811687.

ANZICS Clinical Trials Group. (2018) Adjunctive glucocorticoid therapy in patients with septic shock. New England Journal of Medicine. 378, 797-808. DOI: 1056/NEJMoal1705835.

ANZICS Clinical Trials Group. (2017) Age of red cells for transfusion and outcome in critically ill patients. New England Journal of Medicine. 377, 1858-1867. DOI: 10.1056/NEJMoa1707572.