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Other services
Palliative care clinic
We have several palliative care clinics throughout the week run by our palliative care physicians. The clinic is located within the hospice, close to Footprints Day Centre.
Patients may be seen at the clinic for a number of reasons including, but not limited to:
- pain and symptom management
- discussion about treatment options
- advance care planning
- planning for future care
- discussion about options for increased support within the community.
All clinic patients require a referral from their GP or specialist.
Appointments can be arranged by phoning 08 9438 9503.
Footprints Day Centre
Footprints Day Centre provides emotional support to patients and their families.
Included in this service is a range of complementary therapies:
- massage
- reiki
- reflexology
- aromatherapy
- meditation
- beauty therapy and hair dressing
- wellness, support groups and craft workshops.
This service is available to inpatients, outpatients and their families. You do not need a doctor's referral.
Interdisciplinary teams provide a wide range of services including social work support and physiotherapy.
Please phone 08 9438 9510 for more information.
Bereavement support
We offer support to relatives, carers and friends of patients who have died whilst in our care. Pastoral care practitioners, psychologists and counsellors are available to assist with individual and family bereavement.
There is no cost for this service.
For more information please phone 08 9438 9500.