- Our services
- Rehabilitation services
- Diabetes education

- Allied health
- Cardiac rehabilitation
- Chronic disease management
- Chronic pain management
- Diabetes education
- Exercise physiology
- Hydrotherapy
- Inpatient rehabilitation
- Neurological rehabilitation
- Nutrition and dietetics
- Occupational therapy
- Oncology rehabilitation
- Orthopaedic rehabilitation
- Outpatient programs
- Pain management
- Palliative care
- Parkinson's service
- Physiotherapy
- Pulmonary rehabilitation
- Reconditioning rehabilitation
- Speech pathology
- Stroke rehabilitation
- Tyromotion
Diabetes education
Diabetes education and support can help you meet your rehabilitation goals by ensuring your condition is under control.
Our specialist diabetes education program can provide you, your family and carers with the knowledge, skills, motivation and confidence to manage your condition in line with your rehabilitation goals and make decisions about your care and treatment.
Diabetes education service
Our diabetes education service provides diabetes information, self-management education and support to help you achieve your rehabilitation goals.
The service is available to patients and their families or carers and includes:
- diabetes medication education and its use in rehabilitation as well as how insulin and insulin devices are used in diabetes management
- provision and education regarding blood glucose monitors, including techniques to use monitors and timing
- education about how blood glucose levels change as a result of food, physical activity and medication
- strategies to deal with recurrent or severe episodes of hypoglycaemia
- how to manage sick days, foot care and surgery
- lifestyle education.
Diabetes education service referrals
You can access the diabetes education service by self-referral or be referred by your doctor or health professional.
You may be referred to the diabetes education service for a number of reasons, including a new diagnosis, starting or changing medications, problems meeting your glycaemic targets or clinical goals, need more information and support, have had recurrent or severe episodes of hypoglycaemia and/or ketoacidosis or have chronic diabetes complications.
Benefits of diabetes education
The benefits of participating in our diabetes education service as a part of your rehabilitation include:
- helping you adapt to life with diabetes during and after your rehabilitation
- achieving your set rehabilitation goals
- gaining the confidence and skills to self-manage your diabetes
- adjust your care as your rehabilitation progresses.
These benefits depend on your particular circumstances and require you to fully participate in necessary management. You should consult a specialist in this area before deciding whether treatment is suitable for you.
Patients may be referred directly to us using our referral form:
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