About St John of God Murdoch Hospital Surgicentre
Upcoming St John of God Health Care network outage
Please note that St John of God Health Care will be implementing an essential network upgrade from 10pm AWST on Friday 5 January which will result in a temporary network outage across our hospitals and services.
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Annette Guthrie Study Bursary Recipients 2024
Through the support of the Beasley Family, St John of God Murdoch Hospital offers a study bursary for the encouragement and promotion of professional development for Patient Care Assistants.
Emergency Department notice of works
The St John of God Murdoch Hospital Private Emergency Department is undergoing a major redesign.
Art brings focus to life-saving opportunity
Discussing and deciding whether to join the Australian Organ Donor Register is one of the most impactful things many of us can do.
Striving to Thrive at Murdoch
On Friday 5 May, St John of God Hospital Murdoch held their inaugural Thrive Expo, which celebrated the incredible initiatives rolled out by Murdoch’s Thrive Councils over the last few years.
There is no love without hurting
Today on 7 April, we reflect on the story of Good Friday.
Helping people in need
St John of God Social Outreach end of year highlights.
Murdoch Surgicentre officially joins wider hospital
The Murdoch Surgicentre, a specialist standalone hospital on the Murdoch campus, has officially been welcomed to the wider St John of God Murdoch Hospital.