During your pregnancy

Pregnancy can be a wonderful and exciting time but it can also be an emotional time which presents a number of doubts and questions - especially for first-time parents.

Next steps

Congratulations, the birth of a child is a special time and it is our privilege to care for you. Now that you’ve decided where to deliver your baby, there are a few important steps:

  1. Book an appointment with your GP for a referral to your preferred obstetrician
  2. Check your private health insurance coverage
  3. Book your first obstetrician appointment
  4. Complete the My Admissions process
  5. Book your preferred parent education classes and a tour of our maternity facilities
  6. Review our maternity resources

Telephone support on maternity questions/concerns

  • Please call our Birth Suite on 08 9382 6259 if you have any concerns during your pregnancy, including:
  • Baby’s movements slow down or you are concerned
  • Spotting or bleeding
  • Leaking fluid vaginally
  • Sudden, sharp or continuing abdominal pain
  • Sudden swelling in face, hands and feet
  • Persistent severe headache
  • Blurred vision
  • Contractions 

Pregnancy, Baby and Beyond Clinic

Conveniently located in our onsite Medical Clinic at Suite 320, within St John of God Subiaco Hospital, the Pregnancy, Baby and Beyond Clinic offers comprehensive antenatal and postnatal care, including lactation support, fetal monitoring, preadmission phone calls and six-week baby check-ups with our consultant neonatologists.

The clinic’s compassionate midwives, lactation consultants and experienced neonatologists provide personalised care to support you through pregnancy, birth, and the fourth trimester.

We are here to help!

To book an appointment, call us on 08 9382 6639 or email [email protected]