Private practice information

Specialist suite information for medical secretaries and practice managers.

Health Information Services

To submit discharge summaries please contact
Tel: 08 9438 9651
Fax: 08 9428 8786

Patient information material – online ordering

Access the hospital’s printing supplier to place orders for a variety of forms. Orders will be delivered directly to your nominated delivery address.

  • Admission advice/consent form
  • Online admission flyer
  • Privacy brochures
  • Welcome to Murdoch brochures
  • Pre-addressed envelopes

Online ordering instructions

Please follow these easy steps to place your order

Access the Print Media website.

Enter the Sign in ID and password as it appears below:

  • Sign in ID: sgwmulti
  • Password: sgwm08


  1. Click sign in
  2. On the left hand side under menu, click on standard then view all
  3. Select the item you wish to order and enter the quantity [please note the unit of measure [UOM] i.e. number of items per pack
  4. Click on add to trolley
  5. When you’re ready to submit your order, click on place your order
  6. In the contact field, please enter your surgeon’s name (e.g. Dr P Smith) and complete the delivery address fields.
  7. Your order will be delivered to you directly from the printing supplier so please ensure you enter the address to which you want the order delivered.
  8. Click confirm to submit your order. 

Applications for security cards and parking

All security card applications are to be submitted electronically:

Downloadable form: Apply for a security card and parking.

Once complete, please email the forms to for processing. Security cards will generally be available the next business day for pick-up from the security office between 2.00pm and 4.00pm Monday to Friday. 

If you are applying for a new security access card you will now need to submit your own photo, security will no longer take photos for these passes. Guidelines for photos are available in the e-forms to ensure the photos submitted are suitable.

Opening times for security office

The Security office is open from 2.00pm to 4.00pm Monday to Friday.

If you have any questions about the e-forms or changes to the above processes, please contact:

Duty Security Officer
T: 0414 438 780