For general practitioners

St John of God Berwick Hospital recognises the important role that general practitioners play in the continuum of care and we are committed to working in partnership to achieve the best outcomes for our patients.

Find a specialist

You can refer your patients to any specialist who works at our hospital. Search our accredited specialists.

Doctor newsletter

Read our latest newsletters and keep up to date with the services and facilities available for your patients.

Dedicated GP Hub 

St John of God Health Care’s new GP Hub has information on upcoming GP education events and webinars, specialist referral information, medical and research news and key contact information for GPs. Find out more.

GP education

Stay up-to-date with the latest medical and surgical information by attending our regular Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (RACGP) accredited professional development sessions as listed below or visit our GP Hub for more information. 

Upcoming GP education events and webinars

For the full program please visit the GP Hub

GP support services

The hospital has a dedicated GP liaison officer who is responsible for making sure the local community has information and access to the comprehensive range of services at St John of God Berwick Hospital.

Our GP liaison officer can assist with:

  • optimising communication of information relating to services and referral processes for GPs and their patients
  • facilitating information transfers between the hospital, accredited visiting specialists and general practice
  • GP education
  • personalised onsite consultation service with GPs to provide one-on-one updates on the hospital, visiting specialists and services
  • provide a reliable conduit for receiving feedback on areas for improvement.

Our GP liaison officer is happy to answer any of your queries relating to the above, and is available to visit your surgery if you would like to discuss anything about the hospital, its services or facilities.

GP Liaison Officer - South East Melbourne Hospitals
Keely Wright 
Tel: 0438 168 903 
E: [email protected]