- Our services
- Medical and surgical
- Day surgery

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- Medical and surgical
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- Self-funded care
Day surgery
It is an increasingly popular treatment option as it minimises disruption to your life and gives you the opportunity to recover in the comfort of your own home.
You can choose to have day surgery for a growing number of surgeries and procedures.
Colorectal procedures such as endoscopy and colonoscopy, cataract extraction as well as some cardiac and vascular procedures can be completed as day surgery. Other day surgery examples include minor orthopaedic surgery, urological procedures and general surgery such as hernia repair.
When you choose to have day surgery, you will receive the same exceptional level of care as our overnight patients.
Day surgery – is it right for you?
Your treating surgeon or physician will advise you whether your surgery or procedure can be completed as a day procedure.
The benefits of day surgery include:
- the opportunity to recuperate in your own home
- you will receive the same care as our overnight patients
- potential for ongoing support once you’re home.
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