News archive

News archive

23 Dec 2021

Upcoming expansion of St John of God Subiaco Hospitals kitchen celebrated

To celebrate the upcoming expansion of St John of God Subiaco Hospital’s kitchen and the opening of a new temporary caregiver dining facility, caregivers were treated to delicious cupcakes this week.

23 Dec 2021

Traditional Aboriginal Smoking Ceremony celebrates planned redevelopment works

To celebrate planned redevelopment works, a traditional Aboriginal Smoking Ceremony was recently held at St John of God Subiaco Hospital.

23 Dec 2021

Lester Prize finalist artworks on display

Finalist artworks from the 2021 Lester Prize for Portraiture are on display at St John of God Subiaco Hospital for caregivers, patients and members of the broader community to enjoy.

22 Dec 2021

500th Baby born at St John of God Ballarat Hospital

It’s a milestone that hasn’t happened at the hospital for a number of years.

16 Dec 2021

Caregivers thanked for outstanding care and services

Caregivers thanked for outstanding care and services

13 Dec 2021

St John of God Subiaco Hospital expands onsite parking facilities

Following planning approval from the Town of Cambridge, construction of St John of God Subiaco Hospital’s temporary caregiver carpark has reached practical completion.

8 Dec 2021

Doctor of the Year 2021

Congratulations to Gastroenterology Head of Department Prof Wendy Cheng who is the recipient of the St John of God Mt Lawley Hospital Doctor of the Year award.

7 Dec 2021

Murdoch Community Hospice $5 million refurbishment complete

A significant refurbishment of St John of God Murdoch’s Community Hospice is now complete, creating exceptional modern facilities to provide the highest quality of care and experience for local patients.

7 Dec 2021

Murdoch's Doctor of the Year 2021

After helping one of WA’s leading private hospitals prepare for COVID-19 and the new Voluntary Assisted Dying legislation, Associate Professor Alison Parr received St John of God Murdoch Hospital’s prestigious Doctor of the Year Award.

1 Dec 2021

Ms Shelly Park appointed to St John of God Health Care Board

The Trustees of St John of God Health Care have announced the appointment of Ms Shelly Park to its Board. Her appointment takes effect from 1 January 2022.