Internal news

FY18 focus is technology and analytics

The SJGHC Group Business Plan 2017/2018 has been launched and the focus for the coming year across all parts of our group will be less on bricks and mortar and more about delivering process and care improvement by harnessing the power of technology, our digital environment and analytics.

There will be greater investment in technology that will allow us to provide for patients, caregivers and referring doctors in a rapidly digitised world.

There are 12 key projects identified for FY18, including three new initiatives.

New initiatives include:

Project Camillus

Project Camillus is a Transformation Program that will be facilitated by group services and implemented by divisions.  It falls into three streams;
- Clinical Workforce
- Rostering Time & Attendance (RTA)
- Payroll Optimisation 

This project aims to optimise our workforce, inform our decisions, and drive business outcomes through technology. 

This will be achieved by creating a workforce that is empowered with the capabilities, tools, and behaviours to deliver an excellent care and service experience. A strong focus on supporting behavioural and process changes will ensure that the Project benefits are realised and sustainable.

Develop and implement Strategic Procurement model 

A number of opportunities have been identified to enrich the current approach to procurement within SJGHC. 

The next step is to conduct a comprehensive review to obtain a holistic understanding of current procurement practices throughout the organisation. The development of the revised procurement model that will follow will include consideration of, for example, areas for consolidation and investment, participation in an aggregated international and a Catholic-sector capital purchasing model. 

A comprehensive 10 year strategic capital procurement plan will also be developed.

Customer insight strategy, including Net Promoter Score (NPS) for patients

The recent realignment of the Group marketing function will see the new Marketing and Corporate Affairs team increase their support for divisions’ business development activity to help meet community need. This will require improved customer analytics and understanding, as well as greater technology capacity for more sophisticated customer management. 

Marketing and Corporate Affairs will also take on responsibility for the patient and doctor satisfaction surveys. The development of a customer insight strategy will underpin these activities.

Continuing initiatives include:

• Mission Management Model Review (MMMR) implementation
• Patient Safety Strategy 
• OHS and Wellness Good to Great Strategy 
• Procedural Areas Transformation Program 
• Implementation of the transformational IT operating model (ITOM) 
• Business Intelligence and Analytics function (Business Analytics and Reporting Transformation (BART) 
• Develop and implement digital strategy (incl. revised intranet) 
• Project Chrysalis – implement Clinical Information System (CIS)
• Complete implementation of Riskman Incident Feedback Management System

In Brief will provide regular updates on delivering on our business plan and how the initiatives will impact you.