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- Dr Samuel Edward Young
Suite 213b, 25 McCourt St
Subiaco 6008 WA
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Where we are
Dr Sam Young is an Australian and internationally triple fellowship trained orthopaedic surgeon, performing more than 1,000 operations per year.
Completing his specialist qualifications in 2014, Sam undertook fellowships in Canberra and Brisbane. Keen for international experience he undertook fellowship training in London, Ontario at the University Hospital Canada. This centre is one of the highest volume joint replacement centres in North America and publishes extensively on the subject. Sam gained the North American approach to joint replacement and furthered skills in direct anterior hip replacement surgery and complex revision arthroplasty.
Dr Young’s scope of practice is reconstructive and trauma surgery of the hip, knee and shoulder; he operates and consults privately exclusively at St John of God Subiaco Hospital.
Sam also operates at Armadale Hospital, Narrogin Hospital and Royal Perth Hospital, where he is Director of pelvic and acetabular fracture surgery.
Sam is a certified Approved Medical Specialist with WorkCover WA and is also certified by the American Board of Independent Medical Examiners. He provides unbiased reports in accordance with the AMA guides and as a current practicing surgeon, he can provide reports with up to date recommendations.
Dr Young is ably assisted by a team of experienced administrators and clinic nurses, the team can guide and assist you through the process of coming to see us and arranging your surgery, whether it be related to a pre-existing condition, sports injury, workplace injury or motor vehicle insurance claim.
Sam is happy to be contacted by doctors directly through the St John of God Subiaco Hospital switchboard at any time.