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- Dr Imran Shiekh
Level 4 Suite 68-72, Wexford Medical Centre, 3 Barry Marshall Parade
Murdoch 6150 WA
Appointment times
Where we are
Dr Imran Shiekh is an expert in interventional cardiology, with dual sub-specialties in interventional cardiology and advanced heart failure. He has a keen interest in management of acute coronary syndrome, evaluation of chest pain syndromes including suspected SCAD (spontaneous coronary artery dissection) and heart failure.
Imran places an emphasis on preventive cardiology and actively promotes cardiovascular risk factor management. Imran graduated medicine and completed his MBBS in 2004. He completed Basic Physician Training in UK and Australia (Royal Perth Hospital) and Advanced Cardiology Training at Royal Perth Hospital.
Imran undertook further subspecialty training in Interventional Cardiology from Vancouver General Hospital in Canada, Liverpool Hospital in Sydney and Fiona Stanley Hospital. He completed further sub speciality training in Advanced Heart Failure/Cardiac Transplant at Fiona Stanley Hospital. He has taken part in various research projects related to cardiology.
Dr Imran Shiekh is a Consultant Cardiologist at Royal Perth Hospital and St John of God Murdoch Hospital. He is able to accept new patient referrals with no waiting period at this time, and currently consults from rooms in Murdoch.
- Cardiology
- Interventional cardiology
- Hindi
- Urdu
Telehealth consultations: No
Treats Children: No
Treats self-funded patients: No
EDI (Electronic Data Interchange) ID: mtcardio