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- Dr Marina Rayside
2953 Albany Highway
Kelmscott 6111 WA
Appointment times
Where we are
Dr Marina Rayside, is a West Australian graduate of the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Ophthalmologists training program.
She has extensive experience in cataract surgery and complex adult and paediatric corneal disorders. Dr Rayside completed a corneal fellowship at Moorfields Eye Hospital and Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children, both in London.
She has private rooms in Kelmscott and South Perth.
Dr Rayside maintains public appointments at Fremantle Hospital and Perth Children’s Hospital.
- Ophthalmology
- Cataract and IOL surgery
- Cornea and external disease
- Corneal grafting
- Glaucoma
- Paediatric ophthalmology
- MRCOphth
Telehealth consultations: Yes
Treats Children: Yes
Treats self-funded patients: No
EDI (Electronic Data Interchange) ID: kookaeye