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The role of a speech pathologist

21 August 2023

We are celebrating Speech Pathology Week from 20-26 August 2023

What does a speech pathologist do?

Speech pathologists work with speech, language, voice and swallowing impairments, and can work with non-verbal communication.

Here at St John of God Murdoch Hospital, a large percentage of our referrals are for inpatients who have difficulty swallowing. This could be following stroke, due to neurological conditions such as Parkinson’s Disease, from the effects of cancer treatment, or related to head and neck surgery. We may also be involved in speech, language communication, and voice therapy for these patients.

We conduct a thorough assessment and treat or manage the patient as appropriate and as per patient goals. We collaborate with the doctors and specialists, and consult other members of the allied health team where needed.

During Speech Pathology Week (20-26 August 2023), we are raising awareness for the important role speech pathologists have in rehabilitation and communication.

If your ability to communicate has been impacted by illness or injury, speech therapy may help in your recovery.

Visit Speech Pathology Australia for more information on Speech Pathology Week, or learn about speech pathology services at St John of God Health Care.
Senior Speech Pathologist Leanne Chidgzey
Leanne Chidgzey - Senior Speech Pathologist
Leanne is a certified practising speech pathologist. She graduated from Curtin University in 1987 with a Bachelor of Applied Science -speech and hearing. She has worked as a speech pathologist at Launceston General Hospital and Fremantle Hospital and as a senior speech pathologist at Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital before starting at St John of God Health Care in private practice 24 years ago. She has been employed at St John of God Murdoch Hospital after the in-house service commenced in April 2022.