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Antenatal education for mums-to-be

11 April 2018

Education is an important part of a midwife’s role and is centred on giving parents the tools to navigate their journey through pregnancy, labour, birth and caring for a new baby.


At St John of God Mt Lawley Hospital, we are proud to offer a comprehensive parent education program run by our experienced midwives and lactation consultants. 

We believe if you are well informed, you may find your confidence increases and that your expectations around pregnancy, birth and beyond are more realistic.  This may also help you better manage any fear or anxiety. 

To make sure our classes meet the needs of those who attend, we run two classes each week.  

Both classes are held on a Tuesday from 5.00pm to 8.00pm and a Saturday morning from 9.00 am to 12.00 pm. 

Part A is based around pregnancy and birth and is ideal for those expecting their first baby, or those who are expecting again and keen for a refresher class. 

We cover a range of topics including:

  • what happens in the third trimester of pregnancy
  • potential complications in pregnancy and labour
  • tips to manage labour
  • when you should come to hospital
  • active and natural birth
  • caesarean birth
  • pain relief in labour
  • caring for your new baby and what help is available when you go home. 

Part B explores the postnatal period and education on parenting skills.  This class is great for first time mums-to-be. 

We focus on:

  • postnatal care in hospital after you have had your baby
  • who you can connect with in your community for support, such as child health nurses, lactation outpatient appointments and Health Choices
  • bathing your new baby
  • nappy changing
  • swaddling
  • settling techniques. 

The cost of these classes is $218 for both. Make sure to check with your health fund to see what coverage they offer. 

To further support mums coming to our hospital, we provide a one and a half hour breastfeeding workshop. The workshop is $50 and morning tea is provided. 

This workshop is held on a Wednesday at 10:30 and hosted by an experienced lactation consultant who provides advice and education on feeding cues, correct attachment, positioning and other important information a breastfeeding mother needs to know. 

These education workshops are designed to help make your journey into parenthood the safe, memorable and incredible one that it should be. 

If you are booked to have your baby at our hospital, you can book our parent education workshops by calling the Family Birthing Unit Ward Clark on 9370 9420. We recommend attending these classes between 30 and 34 weeks into your pregnancy.

St John of God Health Care Emma Cook
Emma Cook - Director of Nursing

Emma Cook has almost 20 years’ experience in a variety of clinical and nursing executive roles at St John of God Mt Lawley Hospital.

Emma is a registered nurse and midwife and holds a Bachelor of Science (nursing) and Diploma in Midwifery as well a Masters in Health Care Services and a Graduate Certificate in Leadership and Catholic Culture.