
Introducing our new blog

St John of God Health Care has launched a new health care and wellbeing blog section on its website to give our communities easy access information about their health needs.

19 Aug 2021

St John of God Health Care has launched a new health and wellbeing blog

It features more than 500 articles, as well as podcasts and videos, from more than 100 of the organisation’s expert specialists, nurses, clinicians and caregivers, providing easy to understand information.

St John of God Health Care Group Manager Marketing and Corporate Affairs Sally-ann Parker said the new section was easy to navigate with plenty of visuals, including photos and graphics, to help people understand their health condition, as well as how to access care and treatment.

“Importantly, the new section enables people who are seeking information about a health condition to quickly and easily connect with a hospital, service or specialist for treatment or care,” she said.

“We have curated our blogs to provide dedicated information to people with specific health conditions or interests. For example, pregnant women and new mums can now easily browse and find all of our maternity information they need in one spot, as well as finding out more about our maternity care options across our various locations.”

The new blog section on the website is aligned to the organisation’s strategic focus on patient experience, and is designed to improve the organisation’s ability to provide high quality and easy to access information to our patients and community members about all aspects of their care.

“We asked our patients, former patients and community members to tell us about their hospital experiences and they overwhelming said that being able access health care information at key points in their hospital journey was really important to them,” Sally-ann said.

“So we are excited that we are now able to give everyone access to health and wellbeing information from our experts in one place online.

“Additionally, providing this information helps involve patients in the decision-making regarding their care, even before they come to hospital.”

Check out the new blog section.