Your experience drives our care
When choosing to come to a private hospital, you want to know you are getting compassionate and excellent patient care. Our Group Chief Executive Officer Dr Shane Kelly explains why we put our patients at the centre of everything we do.
3 Dec 2018
Providing exceptional patient care
Our number one priority is to provide high quality care to you which considers all aspects of your wellbeing – physical, emotional and spiritual.
Our Values of Hospitality, Compassion, Respect, Justice and Excellence guide our care and services, and our experienced clinicians provide treatment and support to meet your individual needs.
Patient experience
When you come to our hospitals for care, we want to know as much about your experience as possible.
All feedback including concerns, complaints, suggestions or compliments are welcome while you are in hospital or once you have left.
After you leave hospital we send you a text message which asks you to rate our care on a scale of one to five (very poor to very good) – 97 per cent of our patients rated care in our hospitals as good or very good (July to September 2018).
This feedback on your stay with us is important to help us know what is working well and what improvements we can make to ensure we are consistently providing an exceptional patient experience.
Measuring our private hospital performance
To reinforce our commitment to providing exceptional care, national, independent bodies accredit our private hospitals.
These independent bodies regularly assess our performance in all aspects of patient care from medication management, clinical handover and infection control, to falls prevention and complaints management.
These checks enable us to review how well we are meeting our patient needs and adapt processes and policies where necessary to further enhance patient experience.
What about clinical considerations?
As one of Australia’s leading hospital providers, we are focused on ensuring we are providing safe care to all our patients.
There is a range of key measures we use to track our delivery of safe care, and these are measures that are used by many hospitals nationally and internationally.
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