
Specialist birth planning for parents who have experienced trauma

Few people understand what it’s like to be pregnant when you’ve previously lost a baby. Or to have trauma in your past that makes giving birth a confronting prospect. Sensitive birth planning at St John of God Raphael Services can help.

23 Apr 2024

A woman cradles her pregnant belly

St John of God Raphael Services in Perth is offering a new service to expectant parents, aimed at supporting them to address these concerns and plan for a birth where they feel prepared, educated and strong. Erin MacNeil, a clinical nurse specialist at Raphael Services explains.

What is sensitive birth planning?

“Sensitive birth planning involves the development of a plan that allows a pregnant woman - and her support person - to advocate for her preferences for the delivery of her baby in a way that not only supports her physical health and that of her child, but also her psychological and emotional wellbeing,” says Erin.

Erin says the plan is a collaboration between the client, their partner and any other stakeholders like a GP, midwife or obstetrician.

Why might someone consider it?

Erin says anyone who is struggling with the psychological aspects of giving birth might consider this approach.

“Sensitive birth planning is for expecting mothers who are having difficulties with their mental health in the time leading up to the birth – especially around the actual birth process itself - or for those who have experienced previous trauma, in particular birth trauma,” she said.

What does it cover?

According to Erin, the plan can include preferences for how a woman delivers her baby, extra supports she might require both during and immediately after her delivery, or the need for extra time and space to make decisions during the birth where possible.

While the safety of the mother and baby are always the top concern for everyone during the birthing process, she says being prepared emotionally for different eventualities, for instance a caesarean if the baby is distressed, can help a mother and her partner feel more empowered to make decisions even if the circumstances are changing rapidly during labour.

The plan is drafted during a face-to-face session with one of Raphael Services’ clinical team who specialise in mental health of pregnant women and new parents.

The plan is then formalised and provided to the midwifery and obstetrics team at the hospital where the client is delivering her baby, so it is readily available during antenatal appointments and once she is in labour.

“The intent is that the document will be reviewed by all professionals involved prior to or during the birth, to alleviate the need for a woman or her partner to relay important information at such a crucial time,” Erin said. 

What comes next?

Whether your birth experience is as good as it gets or had some unexpected twists, Raphael Services is still right there in the weeks and months afterwards if you:

  • Find you or your partner are struggling with the emotional aspects of new parenting
  • Experienced birth loss at any stage during pregnancy, during or after the birth
  • Want to learn how to build your emotional bond with your new baby

For more information on sensitive birth planning, or any of the services on offer at St John of God Raphael Services, go to or phone 1800 292 292.