Seeking mental health support over Christmas and New Year
14 Dec 2022
If you are struggling at this time of year, you might not know where to turn, especially as many mental health and support services are closed on holidays – right at the time when there can be increased demand.
If you are in Perth’s north or east, Midland Head to Health is open every day from 10.00am to 8.00pm throughout Christmas and New Year and supports adults with mild to moderate mental health concerns, including distress and anxiety. No appointment is necessary and services are provided at no cost.
Saira is one of the clinicians working at the centre and explains how it works.
“Everyone is likely to experience crisis and stress in their lives and sometimes it has a bigger impact on us than we realise,” she says. “When that impact starts to interfere with daily life or becomes overwhelming, it can be helpful to have extra support.
“Sometimes people just need to talk to someone about what they are going through and learn what they can do to feel better. We are here to listen and reassure people that it’s ok to feel the way they are feeling, whatever that is.
“If it is your first time visiting the centre, we will ask about the reasons for coming, find out what’s needed and tell you about the care options available at Midland Head to Head to determine next steps.
“The journey through Midland Head to Health can look different for everyone, it all depends on their individual needs. We can see people for up to eight to 10 sessions and clients and clinicians discuss care options together, so it’s very collaborative.
“There is no judgement when people come to see us; that’s really important for people to know.
“Whether you’ve had challenges with your mental health before or it’s the first time you are coming to a mental health service, we want everyone to feel comfortable enough to walk in if they are feeling frustrated, stressed, overwhelmed or in need of support.
Saira says the most satisfying aspect of her role is being able to talk with people, listen to their struggles and help them see things from a different perspective.
“In some cases, that might be all someone needs to find a way forward.
“We want as many people as possible to access mental health support. In some cases we will offer appointments over the phone or via video and if someone needs further support or ongoing care provided by other community services, we will also continue to support that person, arranging any necessary referrals,” she says.
“We are here every step of the way.”
More at or call 1800 595 212.
Elsewhere in Australia, if you need support at any time (24hrs/seven days a week):
Lifeline Australia 13 11 14
BeyondBlue 1300 224 636
Kids Helpline 1800 551 800
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