Believe… making a difference
7 Oct 2022
Every year on 7 October, St John of God Health Care celebrates Foundation Day.
This day provides us with an opportunity to honour the contributions and founding spirit of the Sisters of St John of God and to reflect on how we find new expressions of the Mission entrusted to us today.
We have a rich heritage to draw on, from the pioneer Sisters whose courageous first steps started the Order on the 7 October 1871 in Wexford, Ireland; to the first eight Sisters who travelled to Australia in 1895 and the many others who joined them over time in establishing hospitals and services throughout Australia and New Zealand; to the visionary Sisters who handed over the ministry in 1989 for us to continue and grow as St John of God Health Care.
Inspired by their story and by the dedicated service of caregivers today, this year’s Foundation Day theme is: Believe… making a difference.
We are a community who thrives on a shared purpose, and this is expressed in a multitude of ways across St John of God Health Care, and in the exceptional care we provide each and every day.
This year’s scripture for our Foundation Day theme is from Thessalonians 5:11: Therefore, encourage one another and build one another up, just as you are doing.
It is a timely reminder for caregivers to recognise the contributions of their fellow teammates and take a moment to remind them of the difference they make.
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