Recognising Easter during COVID-19 pandemic
Easter invites us to pause and reflect on the implications of this significant Christian celebration. St John of God Health Care Group Director of Mission Integration Marcelle Mogg explains that now is a time that the Easter story helps us to find our way in times of darkness.
6 Apr 2020
6 April 2020
The Easter story is one of hope.
For the first followers of Jesus, the knowledge and sight of his crucifixion initially brought a sudden halt to so much hope and promise in their lives.
Yet we know the Easter story is a story of overcoming darkness and despair, and finding new life and hope.
With Jesus rising to new life on Easter Sunday, his presence, then as now, illuminated the surrounding darkness and reinstated his commitment to be with us as he renewed his invitation to follow him.
Easter invites all of us to believe in the transforming power of love. At a time in our world where fear is a natural response, the Easter season encourages us to look towards love and life. We look for the generous and life-giving response of our health care and community service workers who continue to care for others.
We look to the generosity of neighbours, as people help one another with shopping, phone calls and staying in touch. We look to the willingness of our community leaders working together to realise better outcomes for us all.
COVID-19 is impacting so many aspects of our lives, and for many of us it is the first time we will spend Easter apart from family and friends.
It is important to remember to take the time this Easter to care for ourselves, and reach out (albeit remotely) to those we love at this time, to wave to a neighbour, call those who may be anxious, and bring a bit of hope in this time of crisis.
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