
How we make a difference every day for those in need

To complement the release of the St John of God Health Care 2017/18 Annual Report last week, the wide-ranging impact of our Community Services has been detailed for first time in a new report.

22 Oct 2018

22 October 2018 

The inaugural Community Services Impact Report quantifies the substantial impact that St John of God Social Outreach and Accord have had in assisting over 5,000 people in need over the past 12Impact Report 2018 months. 

It details the organisation’s work in the areas of community mental health, services for at-risk youth, support for parents during and after pregnancy, disability services and international health, and is truly a reflection of the St John of God Mission and Values in action across Australian communities and internationally.

These services are made possible due to our Social Justice inspired mission to allocate a percentage of revenue to fund the delivery of free or low-cost services to support people in the community who are vulnerable or marginalised.

Our community services help to transform lives. They provide hope and healing to people who are disadvantaged, vulnerable or marginalised and support them to live their lives to the full. In FY18, St John of God Community Services provided:

  • Over $22.5 million in free or low-cost services
  • These were provided across 82 locations to 5,193 people in need
  • 85,790 nights of stable accommodation
  • 37,833 service contacts

The report not only details the range of services and locations in which Community Services operates, but also the wonderful stories of personal goals achieved by clients and tenants, supported by a dedicated team of caregivers.