
Following our 10,000th baby's first days

Watch baby Freya’s first few days in hospital, alongside her parents Latesha and John, as they are cared for by midwives, obstetricians and paediatricians.
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4 Nov 2017

4 November 2017

Baby Freya Jeffery’s journey through her first few days in hospital was captured as a part of St John of God Health Care’s celebrations marking the 10,000th baby born so in far in 2017.

Freya, with her parents Latesha and John, shared their milestones on camera highlighting the care and support they received while staying at the hospital.

Obstetrician Charles Armstrong, Midwife Emma Cook, Lactation Consultant Bev Tansley and Paediatrician Mohammad Jehangir all explained their roles in providing care for the new family from the birth suite to discharge.

“We teach them how to become parents,” Emma said.

“That transition is hard at first but the support we give them in lactation, parent education, paediatric and obstetric consultant care - gives them the best chance to start their new journey as parents.”

St John of God Health Care Group Director of Nursing Cynthia Dowell said following baby Freya provided a great insight for all parents to be who were considering or had chosen to give birth at our hospitals.

“The first days after birth are incredibly special for mums and dads, but it can also be an anxious time particularly for first time mothers,” she said.

“Being able to capture the journey on video and sharing that with all of our mothers to be will not only help them prepare for their upcoming birth but also for their stay in hospital.”

St John of God Health Care 10,000 babies

Did you guess baby Freya's birth weight? 

Our competition to guess baby Freya's birth weight, at 3.24kg, was won by Geelong resident Bree White. Congratulations Bree.