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- Dr James Quirke
361 Marine Terrace
Geraldton 6530 WA
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Where we are
Dr James Quirke is a general practitioner with interests in general surgery, obstetrics, child health, skin cancer care, asthma and family medicine. He treats patients at St John of God Geraldton Hospital.
Dr Quirke completed his medical degree at the University College Cork, Ireland, graduating in 1994, working as a resident medical officer in cardiology, anaesthetics and medicine for the elderly at The Royal Liverpool and Broadgreen University Hospitals. Finally, training as a GP in The Norfolk and Norwich GP Training Scheme in England.
Dr Quirke came to Australia in 2000, briefly working for Southern Cross Medical centre in Kalgoorlie, before going on to upskill his obstetrics qualification at King Edward Memorial Hospital.
Dr Quirke has a keen interest in registrar training and is a principal supervisor for WAGPET. He is also actively involved in teaching for UWA and Notre Dame University.
- General Practitioner
Telehealth consultations: No
Treats Children: No
Treats self-funded patients: No
EDI (Electronic Data Interchange) ID: bataviah