- Aboriginal health research at Midland
- Aged care medicine at Midland
- Allied health
- Allied health research at Midland
- Anaesthesia and pain research at Subiaco
- Breast cancer research at Subiaco
- Cancer research at Midland
- Colorectal research at Subiaco
- Emergency medicine
- Emergency medicine research at Midland
- General surgery at Midland
- Gynaecological oncology at Subiaco
- Infectious diseases research at Midland
- Inflammatory Bowel Disease research at Subiaco
- Intensive care research at Midland
- Intensive care at Murdoch
- Intensive care at Subiaco
- Medical oncology at Subiaco
- Nursing and midwifery at Ballarat
- Nursing and midwifery at Subiaco
- Oncology clinical trials at Bunbury
- Oncology clinical trials at Murdoch
- Orthopaedic research at Midland
- Orthopaedics at Murdoch
- Orthopaedics at Subiaco
- Palliative care at Murdoch
- Pastoral care
- Perinatal mental health
- Respiratory medicine research at Midland
- Stroke rehabilitation at Midland
- Thoracic research at Subiaco
- Trauma and mental health at Richmond
- Education and training
- News and media
- Research Week
Inaugural research week celebrated at SJG Subiaco Hospital
5 Jul 2015
During that week there will be presentations by medical specialists who are engaged as research leaders at St John of God Subiaco Hospital. These specialists will describe the work they are currently engaged in as well as what is in the pipeline. These talks will be held daily from 12 – 1pm. The keynote speakers include Professor Tomas Corcoran, Professor Karen Francis, Professor Steve Webb, Professor Paul Cohen and Professor Christobel Saunders.
A General Practitioner Education event will be held on Tuesday 12 May from 6:30pm, featuring Professor Cameron Platell and Dr Nik Zeps. The topic will be ‘Inflammatory Bowel Diseases’.
A Medical Student event is also planned for Wednesday 13 May from 6:30pm, featuring Dr Paige Tucker speaking on the topic of ‘why does research matter to Doctors?’
International Midwives and Nurses Day is on Tuesday 5 and 12 May respectively and is celebrated throughout the hospital. These celebrations will be part of Research Week as there will be Nursing and Midwifery Research Symposium from 2pm – 5pm on 12 May. A/Prof Karen Clark-Burg from the University of Notre Dame Australia is the keynote speaker at this event.
All of the activities throughout Research Week will be held in the Conference Centre Auditorium at St John of God Subiaco Hospital.
Dr Nik Zeps, Director of Research at SJGSH, was the driving force behind this event designed to showcase the rich diversity of clinical research projects that are happening at the hospital.
‘We have some amazing projects underway led by talented researchers and medical specialists. This week is about educating people both internal and external to the hospital about these projects and having access to the researchers’.
‘A St John of God Subiaco Hospital Medical Research Annual Report is also currently being compiled, which will give a more detailed description of all research projects and the personnel involved’, Dr Zeps said.