
30 years of demonstrating the Mission and Values of St John of God Health Care

St John of God Subiaco Hospital recognises the remarkable contributions of Vivian Daniels, who has been an exceptional member of the hospital community for nearly three decades.

28 Jul 2023

St John of God Subiaco Hospital Maintenance Planner Vivian Daniels and two people from Mama Response Kenya with a truck of donated second-hand medical equipment, smiling at the camera.
St John of God Subiaco Hospital Maintenance Planner Vivian Daniels to the left of the picture and members from Mama Response Kenya with a truck of donated second-hand medical equipment.

Vivian, who is soon set to retire, embodies the St John of God Health Care Mission and Values, and will leave an indelible mark on the hospital and the many lives he has touched.

In 1994, Vivian made the courageous decision to leave his home in Burma and seek a new life in Perth, Australia. Despite facing the challenge of unrecognised qualifications, his determination led him to St John of God Subiaco Hospital in February of that year, where he quickly became an integral part of the team.

Initially hired as a Ward Assistant, Vivian demonstrated exceptional care and commitment to his patients. 

Reflecting on his early days, Vivian recalled, "In my late teenage years I had looked after my foster parents, who both had dementia. So I was quite used to hard work and caring for others. 

“I believe it was because of this experience that I was drawn to the health care sector, and felt very much at home at this wonderful hospital."

Vivian's dedication and formal qualifications in physics were soon recognised, leading him to transition to various roles within the hospital. From security to maintenance planning, he consistently displayed his exceptional skills and passion for service. In 2004, a conversation with an engineering caregiver in the canteen opened the door to Vivian's current role as Maintenance Planner, a position he has held for nearly two decades.

Beyond his official responsibilities, Vivian's true impact extends far beyond the walls of the hospital. Over the years, he has undertaken volunteer work, personally managing donations of second-hand hospital equipment. Patient beds, medication trolleys, IV poles, shower chairs, ventilators, pulse oximeters, X-ray machines and examination tables have found new life in underprivileged communities internationally thanks to Vivian’s commitment to helping others.

Driven by his own experiences and a deep sense of compassion, Vivian collaborates with the Rotary Club of Osborne Park to provide resources to those in need. His efforts have resulted in the delivery of 35 containers of medical equipment to Cambodia, as well as numerous contributions to hospitals and schools in Sri Lanka, South Sudan, Tanzania, and Sierra Leone.

Students from John Academy International in Sierra Leone Africa smiling at the camera
Students from John Academy International in Sierra Leone Africa.

Donated beds  with patients in the Khmer-Soviet Friendship Hospital in Cambodia.
Donated patient beds in the Khmer-Soviet Friendship Hospital in Cambodia.

Vivian's journey and tireless dedication epitomises St John of God Health Care’s Values, and his immense contributions have positively impacted countless lives, echoing the spirit of compassion and care that underpins the organisation’s Mission.

St John of God Subiaco Hospital expresses profound gratitude to Vivian Daniels for his extraordinary three decades of service and for enhancing the lives of others in need. 

Vivian has set his sights on a retirement position in the hospital’s Admissions department while continuing his incredible work on the donations of second-hand hospital equipment.

Girrawheen Parish Priest Fr. Albert Saminedi and Vivian Daniels with an X-ray machine being donated to The Mary Help Catholic Hospital in Wau, South Sudan.
(L-R): Girrawheen Parish Priest Fr. Albert Saminedi and Vivian Daniels with an X-ray machine being donated to The Mary Help Catholic Hospital in Wau, South Sudan.

A group of people - Vivian Daniels and the Engineering team at his farewell morning tea - looking at the camera.
Vivian Daniels and the Engineering team at his farewell morning tea.

About St John of God Subiaco Hospital

St John of God Subiaco Hospital is a world-class private hospital offering the highest quality medical and surgical care in a warm and welcoming environment. Many of Perth’s leading specialist physicians and surgeons practice at the 608-bed hospital, allowing inpatients, outpatients and day patients to access a comprehensive range of services including maternity, medical, surgical, rehabilitation and allied health.