Preventing preterm & early term births in Australia
As part of this year’s Research Week theme ‘Leaders in Research’, we are pleased to welcome keynote speaker Prof John Newnham AM, 2020 Senior Australian of the Year. Prof Newnham will deliver a presentation about preventing pre-term and early term birth in Australia.
8 Sep 2021
The rate of preterm and early term births in Australia has been rising in recent years. Western Australia has shown that the rate can be safely reduced by a package of interventions. The benefit of these has been replicated in several regions of eastern Australia.
Funding by National Health and Medical Research Council, and more recently the May 2021 Budget, is now enabling effective rollout of the program across our nation.
You have the option to attend this event via live webinar or in-person at St John of God Subiaco Hospital.
Presenter bio
Prof John Newnham AM graduated in medicine from The University of Western Australia in 1976 and pursued postgraduate training in obstetrics in Australia, Africa, the UK and the USA.
Prof Newnham is Head of the UWA Division of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, based at KEMH, and Chief Scientific Director of the Women and Infants Research Foundation.
He is also an Adjunct Professor at Peking University, Beijing. Professor Newnham’s research has led to worldwide changes in clinical practice, in particular in the management and prevention of preterm labour.
A leader in this field he has published nearly 400 original articles in peer-review journals; his research has been funded by NIH (US) for 27 years and by NHMRC for 30 years; and he has attracted more than $25 million in grant support. John was named the Senior Australian of the Year for 2020.
Date: Wednesday 8 September 2021
Time: 11.45am registrations, 12pm presentations, 1pm lunch and networking
Venue: Conference Centre Auditorium, St John of God Subiaco Hospital, 25 McCourt Street Subiaco or online via live webinar
Please note, a reminder email will be provided with the webinar details close to the event.
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