News archive

30 May 2018

St John of God Health Care cares for more new mums in their home than ever before

More new mums than ever before are accessing St John of God Health Care’s home nursing support to help care for their newborn and breastfeeding assistance.

20 May 2018

Keeping the spirit of a loved one alive

Annette Guthrie was just 55 when she was diagnosed with recurring Lymphoma. When she passed away, her family kept her spirit alive by helping others.

11 May 2018

Celebrating International Nurses Day at St John of God Health Care

As a leading provider of hospital and health care services in Australia, our nurses provide a pivotal role in the delivery of exceptional health care. On 12 May each year, we celebrate the dedication and contribution of our nurses.

2 May 2018

Shining a light on mums' emotional wellbeing

World Maternal Mental Health Day offers a chance to highlight the importance of good emotional wellbeing for mums to provide better outcomes for children, says St John of God Health Care’s perinatal mental health expert Professor Marie-Paule Austin.