
Breast Care team

St John of God Geelong Hospital offers a comprehensive breast care service

13 Jul 2018

St John of God Geelong Hospital offers a comprehensive breast care service provided by our multi-disciplinary team of breast cancer specialists who will support you during your treatment.


Our Breast Care Team comprises the following:


Specialist Surgeons operate to improve an area affected by cancer.


  • Mr Greg Mitchell
  • Dr Kimberley Prince
  • Mr Conrad Brandt
  • Dr Eva Koo


Medical Oncologists specialise in diagnosing and treating cancer using appropriate therapies


  • Dr Karen White
  • Dr Patricia Banks
  • Dr David Campbell


Radiotherapy Oncologists – determine whether radiotherapy will be useful and will work closely with your Medical Oncologist and GP

  •  Andrew Love Cancer Centre


Breast Care Nurse – provide information, counselling and support and helps to coordinate your care

  • Barb Cummins - 5215 8702

Allied Health –

  • Physiotherapists – help you to manage side effects of treatment through improved movement and activity
  • Dietitians - help you to assess your diet and provide advice on nutrition and assist with issues of appetite loss and nausea
  • Occupational Therapists - can visit your home and suggest changes that would make life easier


Pastoral Care – available to assist you and your family to adjust and cope with being in hospital, illness and diagnosis

  • Pastoral Services - 5226 8888