GP Education documents


  1. AHPRA-accredited practitioners only: Permission to access these resources (the Resources) is given only to practitioners who are accredited by the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency, except with prior written authorisation of St John of God Health Care Inc (SJGHC).
  2. Academic or educational use only: The Resources are made available for academic or educational use by AHPRA-accredited practitioners only. All other use is strictly prohibited, except with prior written authorisation of SJGHC.
  3. No distribution: Reproduction, distribution and display of the Resources to third parties is strictly prohibited, except with prior written authorisation of SJGHC.
  4. No warranty: The Resources are third party resources supplied to SJGHC for use in accordance with these terms. SJGHC has not prepared and does not endorse the Resources. To the extent permitted by law, SJGHC makes no representations or warranties as to the accuracy, reliability or completeness of the Resources.
  5. Use at own risk: The use of the Resources is at the accessing practitioner’s own risk.

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