Parent and Infant Unit

Our parent and infant unit is located in Berwick, South East Melbourne, and provides perinatal mental health services for new parents to help you develop a secure bond with your baby.

Families are supported at the St John of God Langmore Centre Parent and Infant Unit

Call our team today

  • During business hours call: 03 9773 7071
  • Out of hours: Email us and we will call you on the next business day.

Perinatal (sometimes known as antenatal and/or postnatal) mental health is used to describe the psychological wellbeing of new parents during pregnancy through to their baby’s first birthday. It’s during this time that secure connections are made between parents and their baby. It’s a vital time to reach out for support to avoid impacting this bond.

Perinatal anxiety and depression is more common than you might think

Women are more likely to experience depression and anxiety during the perinatal period than at any other time in their lives.

You’re not alone. More than 100,000 Australian parents are affected by perinatal anxiety and/or depression each year. Many do not reach out for support until they are at crisis point, trying to cope alone.

Our newly designed and built Parent and Infant Unit, at St John of God Langmore Centre in Berwick, welcomes all parents and families

One in six mums and one in ten fathers experience some degree of perinatal depression, with this number escalating to one in five mums who experience perinatal anxiety.

Becoming a parent is a life-changing event, even when it’s positive it can be extremely challenging and overwhelming. Especially when dealing with the demands of a new baby.

Early recognition of perinatal mental health symptoms is crucial as this leads to the provision of early intervention, which is important for recovery of mental wellbeing and creating secure attachments with baby.

Are you feeling or experiencing any of the following:

  • Anxious/overwhelmed
  • Struggling to enjoy your baby or avoiding caring for your baby
  • Worrisome, scary thoughts about you or your baby
  • Feelings of worthlessness or guilt
  • Flashbacks/nightmares about the birth
  • Confusion, unable to make decisions
  • Sleep and/or appetite disturbances
  • Fatigue, loss of energy, struggling to do daily tasks or look after yourself properly
  • Grieving your ‘old self’
  • Thoughts your baby doesn’t love you or would be better off with someone else
  • Withdrawing from family and friends
  • Thoughts of suicide, wanting to escape
  • Baby blues
  • Baby bonding through skin-to-skin contact 

Contact us during business hours: 03 9773 7071 

At the St John of God Langmore Centre Parent and Infant Unit we provide support to enable all parents to enjoy a positive start to the parenting journey.

Our Parent and Infant Unit

The Parent and Infant Unit is a private specialist inpatient mental health service based in South East Melbourne.

Our holistic approach to care addresses your physical, emotional, social and spiritual needs, which are all important aspects of your recovery.

All our programs are delivered by experienced and caring perinatal specialists who take the time to understand your situation and tailor treatment or therapy to your needs.

Does someone you know need support?

Have you noticed a friend or family member seems to be really struggling after the birth of their baby? Not just with a little less sleep, it's something more. Perhaps you're not even sure exactly what's happening, but you know they're not ok?

We often receive calls at our Parent and Infant Unit from grandparents, siblings and close friends of new parents. You're often able to notice when something needs attention, you know your special person well enough to see they need help.

If you've got questions about how we support the emotional and mental health of new parents call our nursing team today on 03 9773 7071. We can tell you more about our services and whether it's the right option.

What happens when you visit our Parent and Infant Unit?

There are nine milestones you will achieve when visiting our Parent and Infant Unit.

The following milestones or steps are a guide as to what you should expect on admission and during your stay with us. We can assist you in achieving these by providing you and your partner with the opportunity to participate in the development of your treatment and plans for transitioning back to home.

  1. Start the perinatal therapy program
  2. Set goals to work towards achieving emotional and physical wellbeing
  3. Develop an individualised care plan with the multidisciplinary team
  4. Gain a deeper understanding of your personal symptoms and the impact these have on your wellbeing
  5. Obtain skills to better manage emotions as they are experienced in the present
  6. Obtain skills to regulate your emotions and foster healthier relationships
  7. Obtain skills to foster a healthy secure attachment with your baby
  8. Establish community support and safety
  9. Complete a mental health recovery and discharge plan.

Read more about the nine milestones you will achieve through our Parent and Infant Unit.

The following blog posts provide more information to help support you:

Help is available if you are struggling with your emotional wellbeing as a mum
How to support your partner with their emotional health during pregnancy or after birth 

Interested in more information about our treatment programs?

Please complete the form and we will contact you during regular office hours (9.00am to 5.00pm).  

Further help 

Community-based programs 

St John of God Raphael Services also provides access to free, or no out-of-pocket confidential counselling and support for mums, dads and families through the emotional challenges of pregnancy and early parenthood up to your child’s fourth birthday. We also offer counselling and support for parents who are going through prenatal testing and pregnancy loss.

Want to know more? 

Read our blogs from our expert mental health clinicians to find out more about perinatal depression, anxiety and what to expect in our care:

Please complete the form and we will contact you during regular office hours (9.00am to 5.00pm). If you require urgent help please call Lifeline: 13 11 14

Once you have submitted this form please allow 24 to 48 hours for a reply during business hours.
