• Our services
Our services

Our services

Our centre will have a range of services available.

Launching in mid-2022, St John of God Langmore Centre will feature a range of mental health services.

Services at Langmore Centre

Perinatal and post natal mental health is the term used to describe the emotional wellbeing related to pregnancy, birth and early parenthood. The most common perinatal mental health conditions experienced during pregnancy or in the days, weeks, months or even years after birth are depression and anxiety.

During pregnancy and after giving birth, women are more likely to experience anxiety and depression than at any other point in their life. It can affect dads and partners too. Getting the care and support needed at during this time is essential. Once wellbeing is improved, your time spent with your baby will be more enjoyable, wellbeing will also enhance your ability to care and nurture your baby.

Anxiety is a normal part of life but when it happens for no obvious reason, if it doesn't go away, or gets worse over time, it can have a big impact on your enjoyment of life.

While it is not uncommon to experience low mood or sadness occasionally, depression tends to be ongoing, lasting anywhere from several weeks to years. Our treatment programs are here to help you.

Our anxiety and depression focused programs are designed to help you better understand your symptoms and develop strategies to manage your condition.

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is an injury that can follow exposure to one or more severe, traumatic events. It can change the way you see yourself, your life and the world. We provide comprehensive, holistic care to help you recover.

We are pleased to offer a variety of treatment programs for our patients. Depending on your diagnosis and clinical needs, our team will suggest an individualised care plan which may include:

  • Inpatient care. This option involves an admission to hospital and gives you a chance to take part in clinical programs while receiving medical care and observation.
  • Day programs. Our day programs allow you to be at home but spend a day with us once per week for several weeks and participate in a specially designed program which meets the needs of your individual care plan. We have a wide variety of day programs on offer.

There are times where it is beneficial for you to receive care in your own home. Our Community Outreach team are trained and equipped to bring their expertise and care to you.

Our psychiatrists are available by appointment, offering support and care on a range of mental health conditions.

Electroconvulsive therapy ( ECT) is a treatment option for a range of mental health disorders including depression, bipolar disorder and other psychotic disorders. ECT may be prescribed if other treatment options have not brought about the desired results as it can provide fast acting relief of symptoms.

Repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) is a non-invasive treatment for people with mild to moderate depression who aren’t responding to other treatments. TMS uses highly focused magnetic to the area of the brain that regulates mood.

Both treatments are safe and painless and may reverse symptoms of certain mental health conditions.