
Having babies can be hard but getting parent and infant mental health support is easy

Accessing inpatient and outpatient mental health support for new and expecting parents is now easier than ever at St John of God Langmore Centre.

15 Mar 2023

Caregiver facing mother with child on their lap

One of the most common questions we get from GPs with regard to the Parent and Infant Unit at our Langmore Centre is whether or not the process of referring a patient is time consuming and/or difficult to do.

It’s not.

In a nutshell, doctors can email or fax a referral letter to either a specific psychiatrist or quite simply addressed to “Dear Doctor” outlining their patient’s condition to:

For inpatient, day program or outreach services:

Intake Coordinator for Inpatient Admission, Day Programs and Outreach 
Tel: 03 9773 7000 
Fax: 03 9773 7055 
Email: [email protected] 

For outpatient consultation with a private practice psychiatrist:

Tel: 03 9773 7200 
Fax: 03 9773 7201
Email: [email protected]

Once received, a member of our team will contact the referred patient to confirm follow up treatment options.

How we can help

To understand how we can help a patient under your care, it’s important to know what kind of perinatal mental health concerns we can support.

Our Parent and Infant Unit helps new and expecting parents manage or overcome the following conditions:

  • Perinatal depression/anxiety 
  • Attachment concerns 
  • Adjustment disorder 
  • Postnatal psychosis 
  • Birth trauma 
  • Grief/loss
  • Baby blues 

Caregiver communicating and standing next to a with patient and infant on a bed

Understanding the different treatment options and management pathways available 

Inpatient care

Acute mental health support delivered by a multidisciplinary team while staying in a modern, private facility with single-room accommodation. (For patients 18 years and over). Partners and families are welcome to provide the patient with support and care in a nurturing environment. 

Day program and outreach services

Face-to-face, weekly group therapy or individual home visits. 

Consultation with a psychiatrist

One-on-one therapy, inclusive of clinical assessment, development and management of treatment plan and ongoing care.

Caring for new parents with a holistic approach to mental health

Complementing the clinical care provided, tailored services are also offered to treat a patient’s entire being. This means, not only addressing a patient’s mental health condition but their physical, emotional and spiritual needs as well.

Caregiver, parents and infant on a play mat on the floor

Parents and primary caregivers are supported by:

  • mental health nurses
  • psychologists 
  • psychiatrists
  • physicians 
  • social workers 
  • pastoral care 
  • exercise physiologists 
  • occupational, art and music therapists 
  • lactation consultant 
  • other allied health professionals. 

And can take advantage of: 

  • shared art, music and exercise therapy areas
  • café 
  • chapel 
  • daily newspapers 
  • free parking 
  • outdoor courtyards and sensory garden
  • laundry facilities 
  • Wi-Fi 
  • pastoral care services
  • sensory room.

For more information on how to refer a patient visit St John of God Langmore Centre referrals.

You can also call the Parent and Infant Unit at St John of God Langmore Centre on 03 9773 7000 for more information on our facility, treatment options and other mental health services.