Contact us
Please contact us for more information on St John of God Healthcare at Home services.
St John of God Healthcare at Home caregivers are available to support patient queries from 8.00am to 4.30pm, Monday to Sunday.
If you need support after hours, please follow the steps below to ensure you receive the appropriate care.
For urgent care needs:
If you require immediate care, call an ambulance or visit your nearest emergency department.
For non-urgent matters:
If your concern is not urgent please leave a voicemail on our phone line – 1300 475 442. We will review and respond to your message during the next business day.
To share feedback:
Your feedback helps us know what is working well and what improvements we can make. Visit the feedback page.
Need help? If you are worried or upset about anything that has happened during a visit please let us know via the feedback page.
Make an enquiry
Please complete the form below with your request and one of our caregivers will contact you shortly.
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