Patients and clients

Our priority is keeping you – our patients, clients and communities – safe. Please read our current testing, screening and check-in requirements before you come to the hospital or service you will be attending.

Before you attend 

If you have any cold, flu or COVID-like symptoms please do not come to our hospital until you have received a negative COVID test. Contact the hospital or service if you are unsure.

If you need urgent medical care call 000 or attend your nearest emergency department. Our emergency departments are operating as usual and we will identify any testing or screening needed during the triage process.

When you are at one of our emergency departments, please try to physically distance at all times and only bring along one support person if necessary. See current visitor restrictions.

Screening and testing for patients

If you are a patient or client being cared for by our hospitals or services you will need to follow current testing requirements.  

Your doctor or health care professional will let you know about any testing requirements ahead of your appointment.

For more information about COVID-19 and testing, see:

Post COVID infection surgery recommendations

If you have a confirmed case of COVID-19, it is recommended that you do not have elective surgery unless postponing the procedure creates a greater risk to your life.

Your procedure will be delayed until you are no longer infectious and you have recovered from COVID-19. This applies whether you have symptoms or not.

Recommend surgery times:

  • Minor surgery: Four weeks post the date of COVID diagnosis.
  • Major Surgery: Seven weeks post the date of COVID diagnosis.

Please speak with your doctor to discuss your circumstances. 

Further information for patients and clients

To minimise the risk of COVID-19 transmission, we screen all patients admitted to our hospitals including parents who accompany child patients and birthing support partners. You will be screened for current symptoms, close contacts status and past COVID infection.

If you are attending an outpatient or day program, you must comply with the local screening requirements. Depending on the frequency of your appointment, this may include regular testing, including on days of appointment.

We appreciate your cooperation with any requests made by our caregivers, which are based on current state advice and guidelines. 

Please remember to regularly wash your hands, stay physically distanced, and stay home if you feel unwell.

If you require medical treatment, it is important to seek appropriate care, especially in an emergency. Our emergency departments are available to you at all times. If you need urgent care, please call 000.


Western Australia


If you are concerned that you have COVID-19 - even if you have mild symptoms - call your GP or the National Coronavirus Helpline on 1800 020 080 or get tested.

What if I test positive to COVID-19 whilst an inpatient?

If you test positive to COVID-19 whilst in hospital a risk assessment will be undertaken. For the safety of other patients, if the hospital environment does not have capacity to isolate or treat any deterioration in your condition, you may be required to discharge to home or another location.

If you are coming to one of our maternity wards, either as a patient, partner, or visitor you will need to comply with local screening and testing requirements.

Maternity ward tours and ante natal classes may not be possible if there is a COVID-19 outbreak. Please contact your local maternity unit if you have any questions.

If you are a maternity support person, or want to visit a maternity patient, please read our visitors' information carefully.

More information

If you are pregnant, you may be feeling anxious about how COVID-19 could affect you, your baby and your pregnancy care.
Read our COVID-19 blogs to find out more from our trusted health experts.

Video series

COVID-19 and pregnancy

  1. What to do if you have COVID-19 and go into labour.
  2. Vaccination during pregnancy.
  3. What to do if your symptoms get worse.
  4. Managing COVID-19 at home.
  5. Risks of COVID-19 during pregnancy.
  6. Symptoms of COVID-19 in pregnant women.
  7. What to do if you test positive.
  8. Your at home toolkit.

For information on antenatal classes please contact the maternity unit where you are booked to have your baby.

Please see the safety precautions in your state:

We will need proof of vaccination from any visitors coming into our disability services.

Clients, residents and visitors may be required to undergo rapid antigen testing, upon arrival at one of our sites or services. You can discuss this with a caregiver ahead of your arrival.

You must advise us ahead of your visit if:

  • You have currently have COVID or are experiencing cold or flu-like symptoms;
  • You have been in close contact with a person who has tested positive for COVID-19;
  • You have been directed by your state health authority to isolate.

We are committed to ensuring you receive the best possible care in the comfort of your own home. We ask you adhere to follow the safety precautions in your state, and please telephone 1300 475 442 before we visit your home if:

  • You have currently have COVID or are experiencing cold or flu-like symptoms;
  • You have been in close contact with a person who has tested positive for COVID-19;
  • You have been directed by your state health authority to isolate.


We will screen all patients before we enter your home and we may require proof of a negative rapid antigen test.

Good hygiene practices in your home include:

  • Coughing or sneezing into your elbow.
  • Washing your hands frequently with soap and water or a hand sanitiser.
  • Regular cleaning of surfaces in your house that are touched frequently such as doorknobs and benchtop.

Telehealth offers the ability to access care from the home, work or other private space. 

Available on smart phone, tablet or desktop computer you can now connect with your health care provider (doctor, clinician, allied health caregiver or specialist nurse) without the need for a face-to-face appointment. Your health care team will assess your individual needs and decide if telehealth is an option for you.

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