Moort Boodjari Mia

Our Moort Boodjari Mia service delivers a community based perinatal (antenatal and postnatal) service for the Aboriginal community.

Moort Boodjari Mia helps Aboriginal women, and women pregnant with Aboriginal babies to achieve good health outcomes for themselves and their baby.

The service provides culturally appropriate education on pregnancy, health and parenting.

About the program

Moort Boodjari Mia aims to improve the pregnancy journey for Aboriginal women and their families by identifying appropriate support to reduce risk factors related to their social circumstances and individual situation. We work with family members whenever possible to acknowledge the significant role grandmothers and aunties play in caring for pregnant women in Aboriginal culture. Children are often raised by the whole family rather than a single carer and our approach supports this practice.

Our service is provided predominantly by Aboriginal caregivers, who have an intimate understanding of Aboriginal culture and the local community.  Our non-Aboriginal midwives work with Aboriginal staff to ensure cultural safety and security for all our clients.

Our services

We take a holistic approach to health care with an emphasis on social, cultural and emotional factors.

  • A culturally safe, secure and confidential pregnancy service
  • Personalised antenatal and postnatal clinical care in the hospital and at home
  • Continuous support and advice for parents in caring for their newborn baby
  • Drop-in clinics with flexible appointments
  • Advocacy for family’s needs with St John of God Midland Public Hospital as the birthing hospital.
  • Advocacy and support when clients engage with members of the Allied Health Team
  • Advocacy and support to other external agencies eg. Jobseeker
  • Transport to and from appointments as needed
  • Referrals to other services including the Child Health Nurse 
  • Assistance with housing support letters, links to documentation, completing documentation and forms such as Centrelink and Medicare

Each woman is seen at St John of God Midland Public Hospital by an Aboriginal Health Liaison Officer and Moort Boodjari Mia Midwife. At least one appointment is with the obstetrician prior to the birth of the baby.  

Our location

  • St John of God Midland Public Hospital – ground floor (Whadjuk Room), 1 Clayton Road, Midland

No appointment is needed weekdays and free antenatal clinics appointments are available by appointment.

For more information call 0406 880 142.

A caregiver from Moort Boodjari Mia willl contact you during regular business hours.
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