8 March 2017
St John of God Health Care recognises that for many people with disability the opportunity to enter the workforce is a complex one.
Despite possessing the qualifications and experience that businesses are looking for, very few succeed in getting to interview stage. This is often due to an ill-informed understanding on the part of the employer of what it actually means to give a person with disability a job.
Often people with disability are perceived as an occupational risk or a challenge to team dynamics, where actually they are neither! People with disability are just like the rest of us, looking to make their way through life which includes landing a good job in a good organisation that recognises them as an asset to success.
“St John of God Health Care has taken a proactive approach to supporting opportunities for people with disability to at least access interview stage. With our new hospital at Kangan Drive well on its way to completion there are significant opportunities for employment in the pipeline,” explained Rhonda O’Connor, Director of Mission.
Through partnerships with Disability Employment Services, St John of God Health Care has committed to ensuring that should a person registered with a Disability Employment Service who meets the inherent requirements of the role apply for a vacant position, they guarantee at least one of these applicants will be invited for interview. For further information visit https://www.sjog.org.au/working-with-us/more/disability-employment.
For further information: Lisa Carman (Marketing Manager) 8793 1171