Get it out in the open.
For a clearer tomorrow.

Head to Health centres are for adults who are feeling distressed, down or overwhelmed, or are worried about their mental health, as well as their families, friends and carers. Services are free and confidential. No referral, appointment or Medicare card needed. 

Services include:

  • Initial assessment
  • One-to-one counselling
  • Access to therapy groups
  • Support from people with lived experience of mental health challenges
  • Care coordination with other agencies (e.g. NDIS)

With centres in Armadale, Midland, Gosnells and Mirrabooka, there's sure to be one near you. You’ll be seen by one of our experienced mental health nurses or allied health staff, who can provide information, treatment and support for your mental, social or emotional needs.

If your care needs the input of a GP, psychologist or psychiatrist, we can provide a referral and support during this time.

Worried about someone you know?

We're here for you as well and would love to have a chat at the Head to Health centre closest to you. In the meantime, you can call 1800 595 212 for free mental health advice and support. We’ve also got some resources and advice on how to care for yourself.

Consumer-informed design

To ensure Head to Health centres reflect local needs and deliver the best possible outcomes for the community, service design has been shaped by local co-design. This includes input from people with lived experience such as consumers, family and carers, local health professionals and service providers, local government and the wider community.

Head to Health centres are designed to feel welcoming and safe for everyone, including Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, people from diverse cultural backgrounds and LGBTIQ+ people.
Your rights and responsibilities

Rights and responsibilities

Our Community Services Charter explains your rights and responsibilities, and what you can expect, when engaging with our services.

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